Woven with Promise began with humble origins: A woman with a servant’s heart, a basement and a space full of black trash bags filled with donated clothing from a local church. Growing up in a home where domestic violence was hidden from the world, Denise Walsh, knew only too well what it was like to live on the poverty line without adequate clothing as well as the feeling of isolation and exposure to the unkind words of others which led to years of fractured self-esteem.
She knew true hardship. Several years ago, she felt called by the Lord to reach out to the underserved in Medina County and decided to reach out to citizens walking the same path that she had experienced as a little girl, struggling without enough to wear and all the stigma and side-effects that go alongside. Denise felt led to show God’s love by providing clothing to women and children at risk and those living in crisis.
The people in the community were learning she was passionate about providing clothing to those in need and as she was serving the community, she was praying for a location to house a Boutique where the women and children could “shop”. After a period of time with many doors closing, she became frustrated and the clothing ministry sat not worked for almost a year.
This hiatus allowed Denise to retool and refocus her efforts. In early 2020, she spoke to several leaders in the community including Mindy Wills, former Executive Director of a local non-profit, and her words breathed new life into Denise’s passion to provide clothing to women children at risk and those living in poverty.
Woven with Promise grew organically from that day in the park after talking to Mindy. Then in July of 2020, Denise met Christine Barnes, the Executive Director of Love Inc. of Medina County. In learning about the mission of Woven with Promise, Christine believed God brought us together again for a big reason and represented exactly how two agencies who have a mission to demonstrate God’s love should be working together! Christine started putting the wheels in motion to help find us a location for the Woven with Promise Boutique. With her persistence, perseverance and help Woven with Promise had a new home at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Brunswick, Ohio and the start of creating a Boutique began.
The mission is to seek out those who need us the most and provide them with new or gently used clothing. We often do this by working with other charitable organizations, churches and schools.
Our donated clothing is gently used but always respectable and clean and our undergarments and socks are always brand new. Those we serve are in need of clothing for a multitude of unrelated reasons: The person receiving your donated clothing could be one of your neighbors who has fallen on hard times, a teenager in sheltered accommodation or a foster family needing assistance with an intake of children. It could be your co-worker who is surviving from domestic violence or a teen who is broken from their experience being or dozens of different circumstances that lead to destitution.
We need your help to sustain our ministry, to help those who desperately need our help - infants, children and adults alike. Please consider donating toward this worthy cause.
Thank you in advance for your much needed and appreciated support.